The Spring Spawn Box is now sold out!
Please join us a Spawn Box member this fall!

The Spawn Box is our fungi-focused version of the Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model used by thousands of farmers around the world to directly market their goods to their community, and for community members to support their favorite farmers in return.

When you join this Community Supported Mycoculture (CSM) for a three-month seasonal membership (a “share”), you will be rewarded with a gift package mailed to you each month that includes a variety of items produced by MYCOLOGOS. Alongside ready-to-fruit mushroom kits* grown at our eco-friendly Fungi Farm in Portland, Oregon, each Spawn Box also includes a booklet on the month's species (covering its history, care, and applications around the home), as well as a rotating mix of other surprise goods designed by our team.

Such a unique means of learning about mushrooms and working with them directly with the help of a guided membership service is not offered anywhere else, making The Spawn Box the best way to easily get comfortable with all that mushrooms offer, month after month!


Our intention behind crafting this special offering is best summed up by its name. The word spawn is commonly used in mushroom cultivation to 1) indicate a material that is infused with mycelium (mushroom “roots”), and which is meant to kickstart the next step in the cultivation process, or 2) the act of applying that material during the next step. As a noun and a verb, “spawn” encapsulates all that mushroom growing entails – from the guided movement of mycelium from place to place, to having sound intentions of how one wishes to cultivate mushrooms in their life. Likewise, the name Spawn Box embodies our hopes to not only pass cherished lineages of mycelium to your hands and share the cultivation process with you, but to ultimately support the learning of more fungi advocates and encourage healthy growth in the world’s ever-expanding mycoculture.

*For more information about what our kits contain and how they are grown, see below.