MycoPro™ Courses

MycoPro™ Courses

Advanced Trainings for Applied Mycologists


Organic Mushroom Farming: Design, Planning, and Logistics

7 weeks • 100 hours • 40+ video lectures
Learning tracks: MycoMind

Scale your passion for mushroom growing into a self-sustaining venture with the insights and practices detailed in this course. Learn how the certified organic Fungi Farm at Mycologos is managed and how you can replicate our system to match your space or budget.

Topics include space design, tool construction, systems maintenance and modification, workflow design, cultivation planning and timing, customer relations, data tracking, and more!

Everything's Connected: Fungal Ecology from the Sea to the Sky

7 weeks • 100 hours • 40+ video lectures
Learning tracks: MycoMind • MycoSpirit

From their influences on soil structure and nutrient cycling, to their impacts on plant and animal health, fungi are keystone organisms in the healthy functioning of any habitat. Enrich your understanding of these and many other influences that fungi have on the environment through this comprehensive course.

Topics covered include fungi in soils, mycorrhizal fungi types, lichen ecology, pathogenic and parasitic fungi, wood decay mechanisms, fungal surveying, and much more!

Soil Fungi: Identification and Propagation

7 weeks • 100 hours • 40+ video lectures
Learning tracks: MycoMind

Soil-dwelling fungi have profound impacts on soil structure and cycling, thanks to their unique abilities to alter and transport nutrients. In this course you will learn how to isolate, identify, and cultivate many of the most ecologically significant fungal types found below the soil horizon.

Topics covered include mycorrhizal fungi, soil molds, root pathogens, and much more!

Advanced Mycoremediation

7 weeks • 100 hours • 40+ video lectures
Learning tracks: MycoMind

Learn advanced protocols for degrading and mitigating pollutants by working with fungi in this one-of-a-kind course.

Topics covered include experimental design, safety protocol, case studies, ethics and logistics, laccase extraction, heavy metal sorption, data collection and processing, industrial waste conversion, and much more!

Chemistry for Mycologists

7 weeks • 100 hours • 40+ video lectures
Learning tracks: MycoMind

Fungi are some of nature's greatest chemists, able to degrade and transform compounds in profound ways not found in other groups of organisms. In this course, you'll learn the mechanisms behind these traits and other influences that fungi have on the environment, our health, and pollutants.

Topics covered include chemistry fundamentals, reagent reactions, soil science, and much more!

Fungal Genomics and DNA Barcoding

7 weeks • 100 hours • 40+ video lectures
Learning tracks: MycoMind

Join one of the most prominent frontiers of citizen science in mycology by learning to genetically sequence all types of fungi.

Topics covered include equipment, space design and logistics, field sequencing, citizen science, mushroom sequencing, soil fungi sequencing, lichen sequencing, and much more!