Life Skills for Working With Fungi


The Many Ways of Fungi: First Steps Into the World of Mycology

7 weeks • 100 hours • 40+ video lectures
Learning tracks: MycoMind • MycoBody • MycoSpirit

New to mycology? Not sure of all that the science has to offer? This course is for you! Designed with the beginner in mind, this course will teach you the concepts, terms, and skills needed to join in the modern mycology movement and enhance your life and livelihood through working with fungi.

Topics covered include historical human-fungal interactions, making art with fungi, citizen science, mushroom cultivation, medicinal mushroom processing, mushroom identification, and more!

Mushroom Cultivation for the Home and Homestead

7 weeks • 100 hours • 40+ video lectures
Learning tracks: MycoMind

Learn to grow gourmet, medicinal, and ecologically-significant mushrooms in this masterclass led by Peter McCoy. Designed for people of all backgrounds, budgets, and space limitations, this course will provide you with all of the skills needed to grow mushrooms nearly anywhere, any time!

Topics covered include space design and logistics, cloning techniques, culture preservation, spawn creation, indoor and outdoor fruiting techniques, growing mushrooms in the garden, and more!

Medicinal Mushrooms: Cultivation, Identification, and Processing

7 weeks • 100 hours • 40+ video lectures
Learning tracks: MycoMind • MycoBody • MycoSpirit

Learn to work with over a dozen of the most beneficial medicinal mushrooms in this comprehensive course. From accurately identifying species in the wild, to cultivating some of the most expensive species on the market, to creating your own potent extracts at home, this course will prepare you for a lifetime of allying with our most healthful fungi.

Topics covered include biochemistry of fungal medicines, extraction protocols, species identification, low tech cultivation techniques, and more!

Mushroom Identification: Basics & Beyond

7 weeks • 100 hours • 40+ video lectures
Learning tracks: MycoMind

Dive deep into the world of mushroom foraging and learn how to collect and identify mushrooms almost anywhere in the world. Over 100 of the most important species and genera are covered in depth, and unique learning exercises are provided to enrich and streamline your foraging experience.

Topics covered include foraging ethics and logistics, mushroom conservation, field guide use, efficient trip planning, species profiling, mushroom preservation, chemical reagent making, genetic sequencing, and more!

Psychoactive Fungi: Biology, Pharmacology, and Lore

7 weeks • 100 hours • 40+ video lectures
Learning tracks: MycoMind • MycoBody • MycoSpirit

Intrigued by the history, effects, or potential health benefits of psychoactive fungi, but not sure what sources to trust for information? We know how hard it can be to discern between opinions and facts around this hot topic, which is why we created this comprehensive course to ensure you are properly informed on all that working with psychoactive fungi entails.

Topics covered include psychoactive fungi ecology and identification, historical impacts, chemistry and bioactivity, medical applications, misinformation, ethics, and more!

Fungi Photography

7 weeks • 100 hours • 40+ video lectures
Learning tracks: MycoSpirit

Capture the beauty of fungi with traditional, creative, and experimental photographic techniques specific to these small species. Whether you like to photograph fungi in the field or in a photo booth, this course give you a range of approaches to showcasing all their features and forms.

Topics covered include smart phone tips and tricks, equipment considerations and settings, extreme magnification photography, creative effects, microscopic imaging, and more!

The Art of Fermenting Foods and Drinks with Fungi

7 weeks • 100 hours • 40+ video lectures
Learning tracks: MycoBody

Bring a bounty of unique flavors to your kitchen with the gifts of fermenting fungi. Learn to craft traditional, creative, and experimental ferments and beverages by working with a variety of molds, yeasts, and mushrooms in this one-of-a-kind course.

Topics covered include equipment and sanitation considerations, fermented drinks, tempeh variations, moldy cheeses, fermenting meat, and more!

Fungal Microscopy

7 weeks • 100 hours • 40+ video lectures
Learning tracks: MycoMind

Take your mushroom identification and photography skills to the next level by immersing yourself in the fascinating features only a microscope can show. Whether you want to improve you mushroom identification skills, capture creative images of mycelium or spores, or want to hone you soil fungi awareness skills, this course is for you!

Topics covered include microscope set up and maintenance, tissue preparation, chemical stains and reagents, slide preservation, fluorescence microscopy, feature identification and measurement, image capturing, and more!

Mycology of Place: Self Exploration Through Co-Creating With Fungi

7 weeks • 100 hours • 40+ video lectures
Learning tracks: MycoSpirit

The mysteries of fungi move and inspire many to pursue mycology with a seemingly bottomless well of excitement for all that these species suggest. We can relate! Which is why we created this course to help you unabashedly express your passion for fungi. Join a small cohort of peers to practice a variety of creative and introspective exercises aimed at tapping into your authentic self and creating a more personal human-fungal relationship.

Topics covered include mycosemiotics and mycophobia, fungal communication systems, fungi in historical art and ceremony, crafting and creating with fungi, and much more!

Lichens: Identification, Applications, and Conservation

7 weeks • 100 hours • 40+ video lectures
Learning tracks: MycoMind

Always nearby and yet so often overlooked, lichens are another inspiring expression of fungal resiliency and collaboration we love to share with others. In this course, you'll learn to identify lichens and engage in the science of lichenology to support the environment.

Topics covered include lichen biology and ecology, foraging techniques and ethics, identification techniques, collection preservation, lichen conservation, and much more!

Organic Mushroom Farming: Design, Planning, and Logistics

7 weeks • 100 hours • 40+ video lectures
Learning tracks: MycoMind

Scale your passion for mushroom growing into a self-sustaining venture with the insights and practices detailed in this course. Learn how the certified organic Fungi Farm at Mycologos is managed and how you can replicate our system to match your space or budget.

Topics include space design, tool construction, systems maintenance and modification, workflow design, cultivation planning and timing, customer relations, data tracking, and more!

Everything's Connected: Fungal Ecology from the Sea to the Sky

7 weeks • 100 hours • 40+ video lectures
Learning tracks: MycoMind • MycoSpirit

From their influences on soil structure and nutrient cycling, to their impacts on plant and animal health, fungi are keystone organisms in the healthy functioning of any habitat. Enrich your understanding of these and many other influences that fungi have on the environment through this comprehensive course.

Topics covered include fungi in soils, mycorrhizal fungi types, lichen ecology, pathogenic and parasitic fungi, wood decay mechanisms, fungal surveying, and much more!

Soil Fungi: Identification and Propagation

7 weeks • 100 hours • 40+ video lectures
Learning tracks: MycoMind

Soil-dwelling fungi have profound impacts on soil structure and cycling, thanks to their unique abilities to alter and transport nutrients. In this course you will learn how to isolate, identify, and cultivate many of the most ecologically significant fungal types found below the soil horizon.

Topics covered include mycorrhizal fungi, soil molds, root pathogens, and much more!

Advanced Mycoremediation

7 weeks • 100 hours • 40+ video lectures
Learning tracks: MycoMind

Learn advanced protocols for degrading and mitigating pollutants by working with fungi in this one-of-a-kind course.

Topics covered include experimental design, safety protocol, case studies, ethics and logistics, laccase extraction, heavy metal sorption, data collection and processing, industrial waste conversion, and much more!

Chemistry for Mycologists

7 weeks • 100 hours • 40+ video lectures
Learning tracks: MycoMind

Fungi are some of nature's greatest chemists, able to degrade and transform compounds in profound ways not found in other groups of organisms. In this course, you'll learn the mechanisms behind these traits and other influences that fungi have on the environment, our health, and pollutants.

Topics covered include chemistry fundamentals, reagent reactions, soil science, and much more!

Fungal Genomics and DNA Barcoding

7 weeks • 100 hours • 40+ video lectures
Learning tracks: MycoMind

Join one of the most prominent frontiers of citizen science in mycology by learning to genetically sequence all types of fungi.

Topics covered include equipment, space design and logistics, field sequencing, citizen science, mushroom sequencing, soil fungi sequencing, lichen sequencing, and much more!

Why Fungi: A Primer on the Art and Science of Mycology

2 hours • 4 lectures
Learning Tracks: MycoMind • MycoBody • MycoSpirit

Fascinated by fungi but not sure where to begin? This mini-course provides highlights from all aspects of historical, theoretical, and applied mycology to help you get acquainted with the fascinating world of these incredible species. Tour the past, present, and future of fungi to find what excites you the most.

The MycoTrivium: Learning to Think Like Fungi

1 hour • 5 lectures
Learning Tracks: MycoMind

Explore the ways that fungal resilience can be mirrored in human actions, providing for quicker learning and greatly adaptability to change. This process, The MycoTrivium™, is a major component of our teaching philosophy as we believe it provides the most efficient approach to understanding such a vast and complex science as mycology.

Mycoremediation: Working With Fungi for Planetary Health

2 hours • 5 lectures
Learning Tracks: MycoMind

Mycoremediation describes the many ways that fungi can be worked with to reduce pollution, clean water and soil systems, and help revitalize disturbed habitats. In this course, you'll learn about the essential techniques used in mycoremediation research along with several safe, simple, and inexpensive ways that you can help the planet by integrating beneficial fungi in your life.

Mycology for Kids

2 hours • 5 lectures
Learning Tracks: MycoMind • MycoBody • MycoSpirit

Mycoremediation describes the many ways that fungi can be worked with to reduce pollution, clean water and soil systems, and help revitalize disturbed habitats. In this course, you'll learn about the essential techniques used in mycoremediation research along with several safe, simple, and inexpensive ways that you can help the planet by integrating beneficial fungi in your life.